
Hey, Hawks!

I hope you had a lovely first week back to school. If this is your first semester as a Hawk, I hope you found the university welcoming and you didn’t get lost on the way to class.

So, what’s new on campus? How about those vending machines that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, but are somehow always out of everything? (Those are rather interesting to me.) Apart from that, though, everything seems to be exactly where we left it in December. The hallways, the floors, the professors, the sleepiness and the stress that haunts the hallways – it’s all still here and all still the same. I guess the only things that have changed are our classes and us!

nataliaSpeaking of classes, I feel incredibly relieved that I have actually really liked mine. I know it’s a bit soon to tell – since what we’ve mostly done is read basically the same syllabus over and over and awkwardly introduce ourselves in every class – but the professors seem nice enough and the courses are quite doable. I’ve set a goal for myself to get an “A” in every class this semester. It’s quite an ambition, but I honestly think that it’s very achievable. Last semester, I got pretty good grades, but I know I could have done a lot better if I had actually paid more attention or spent more time studying. I’m too used to only studying a day before an exam, which doesn’t give me the worst results – but certainly not the best either. I’m committed to trying extra hard this semester, so I can keep a high GPA.

In terms of student life, I also have a goal (or 2016 resolution) of becoming more involved on campus. I’m looking forward to the Student Org Expo, so I can start joining clubs! I tried it last semester, but it just didn’t stick. This time around, though, I’ll really try to go to meetings and get involved. I think it’s important to be integrated in the community. Plus, I’ll get to meet awesome new people and have something to do that isn’t binge watching on Netflix.

This week, I’ve already started working on these goals. I’m trying to stay ahead of my classes – I’m reading the assigned books, finishing homework before it’s due and keeping note of all the upcoming events at the university. The first week is always rather slow, so it’s been easy thus far to keep this up. The real challenge is yet to come.

I’d like to tell you to greet me in the hallway if you see me, but I’ve already lost most of my purple hair. It’s got a weird grunge blonde-ish look, which I don’t know what to think of. I suppose it could be worse!

Another goal I have is simply to save up enough money to go on a small vacation during the summer. This is why I haven’t gone to the hair salon to redo my hair yet. Don’t judge me when you see my barely purple blonde/white head of hair bobbing about in the hallway. I’m learning to prioritize.

That’s all for this week, Hawks! Be sure to have an amazing second week back.

– Natalia

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