NODA regional, road-trip and the VIP treatment

This week was full of exciting events. Well, maybe not events that happened, but events that will happen. Being a Hawk Guide comes with many perks. The most exciting one that is coming up is National Orientation Development Association (NODA) regional. It is a large convention that provides information on how to become a better leader, and to gain different points of view from orientation at other schools.

The conference will be held in St. Louis. I am so pumped; this will be the first time I get to possibly see snow. Hopefully my dream comes true because Houston snow doesn’t count. It’s mainly ice when it snows here. It’ll be like a road trip except with orientation leaders. An OL road trip! I just want to sing car songs on the 15-hour drive. NODA will consist of different activities that are engaging and helpful.

1973839_1013272455367116_6414906616879461690_oI’m determined to make these up coming orientation sessions the best they can be including the T-shirt swaps and sticker swaps. It sounds weird, but it’s a great way to meet new people. The opportunities at UHCL just keep piling up. Another great opportunity that the ONSP office offers is a retreat for new and returning leaders. We will be having a retreat to do our training in April. Eric get ready to make s’mores! Not once in my life have I gone camping or even had s’mores. Other than the s’mores cereal, but that doesn’t taste good. This semester will be one that I will not forget.

At first when I became a Hawk Guide, I was really nervous. It was the biggest task I had done at UHCL. I didn’t know what I was going to be doing or what challenges I was going to face. As time went on, I loved it more and more. Every time I step foot into the orientation office I can’t help but smile.

I am also looking forward to this banquet-type dinner I heard about last week. It is suppose to be at NASA, and I honestly just want to go so I can feel important.  As the first weeks of school start nearing toward midterms, I get the shakes. I’m terrified of getting B’s because all I want this semester is a bunch of A’s. It’ll take a lot of studying and help from others. I feel that with all the activities I am doing I can get a break from the study sessions and relax. The ONSP office is where I will be going to during mid-term weeks to study and chill.

In addition, the ONSP office in now accepting applications for any Hawk that would like to become an orientation leader for this coming year. That is all for this week Hawks. I hope you are all getting involved on campus. Have a great week!


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